Delivery, Returns & Refund Policy

The following terms and conditions apply to all sales contracts concluded between the Buyer and the Seller. No deviation from the general terms and conditions of sale shall be permitted without written confirmation by the Seller, while these terms and conditions of sale shall, in the absence of written acceptance by the Seller, exclude all general and special terms and conditions of purchase of the Buyer.

Buyer acknowledges having received a copy of these general terms and conditions of sale upon conclusion of the contract.

All sales are final. Prints are sold as is. We do not accept returns or exchanges.

Delivery times
Standard delivery times are estimated at 30 days. These times are given as an indication only. The delivery times, which can be influenced by the fact of third parties, fortuitous event or force majeure, are approximate and given as an indication.

Possible delays in delivery will never be imputable on the part of the seller, unless expressly stipulated otherwise.

The goods and products are deemed to have been delivered at the time they are made available to the buyer. Consequently, the buyer shall bear the transport and the risks relating to the products as soon as they are taken possession of.
No delay in delivery shall give rise to the payment of damages to the seller.

In addition, the seller has the right to refuse to sell its products depending on the availability of sufficient stocks, or for any other legitimate reasons, and retains the right to make partial deliveries.

Force majeure
The occurrence of any events, such as any interruptions of production, transport or delivery, strikes, lock-outs, embargoes, war, terrorist attacks or consequences of attacks, shortage of raw materials, bad weather, and more generally any event of a similar nature affecting the parties or their suppliers and delaying or rendering impossible the performance of their respective obligations, shall suspend the performance of their respective obligations.